Company Profile

PPG Industries is a leader in its markets; is a streamlined, efficient manufacturer; and operates on the leading edge of new technologies and solutions. It is our vision to continue being the world’s leading coatings and specialty products and services company, serving customers in construction, consumer products, industrial and transportation markets and aftermarkets. PPG has manufacturing facilities and equity affiliates in more than 60 countries around the globe.


E81C25B4 A322 11E1 B7D7 12314000F07E

Coating,Remover & Cleaner

732124F6 A324 11E1 8320 12314000960A

Order Information

322915C8 A476 11E1 AA6E 12314000F07E

Transparencies- Commercial Aviation

1190618A A3F0 11E1 93A3 12314000F07E

Regional Aviation

253F8184 A3F0 11E1 A141 12314000960A

General Aviation

42451DB6 A3F0 11E1 8E67 12314000F07E

Military Aviation

53FA400E A3F0 11E1 B260 12314000F07E

Transparency repair services

69FFE7A0 A3F0 11E1 BEC1 12314000960A

Chemical Management


4C4B1554 A477 11E1 844B 12314000960A

Semco® Packaging and Application Systems

At PPG Industries, Semco® Packaging and Application Systems, we believe value is created through the work of dedicated people using innovative ideas and technology to produce clean, safe, and accurate packaging and dispensing solutions. It is a formula that has kept the Semco® brand name recognized as a leader in dispensing and application systems for more than 40 years. B65F5CA2 A477 11E1 B8B8 12314000F07E

Transparent Armor

PPG Transparent Armor and Specialty Products      
Securitect® and OmniArmor® Transparent Armor are designed and tested to provide enhanced protection against some of the most severe ballistic and blast threats

PPG works closely with U.S. military agencies and vehicle OEMs and integrators to develop new cross-sections and configurations to provide protection against evolving threats 
EBAC92DE A478 11E1 9A47 12314000960A